Person Information

Roy C. RolandJan 26, 1951 Person 198 in Cedar Ridge Cemetery
Inscription and Notes:
Picture of grave Hugh David Lester

Roy C. Roland

O hated flag, I hold you high to shine as Beacon Light
to all the weak in foreign lands who battle for the right.
For once you waved above our land - The South, in all her might -
And gave us cheer when days were drear - A widow's Lamp by night.

Ah, but that was years ago, cry those who loathe our cause.
Forget, repent, and cease your praise of men who brought you loss.
Should we despise that loss of life, or even loss of cause?
Far greater man once took a stand that led him to a cross.

They curse, revile, and burn you in perverted zealotry,
while those who feel the despot's heel hymn well your liberty.
O Sacred Flag, O Rebel Flag, O Battle Flag of Lee -
May all my days be filled with praise of Southland, God and Thee!

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