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Ivy W. Duggan
Inscription and Notes:
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Yea(?) and their works do follow them.
Military Service: Confederate States of America
49th Regt Ga. Inf - no indication of
service on gravestone. All service info
per Glen Cook and "Warthen Looks Back".
Ivy Walker Duggan, A.M., LL.D.
(from Warthen Looks Back compiled by Betty B. Kicklighter)
Ivy Walker Duggan was born near Warthen, Washington County, Ga. and worked on his father's farm until early manhood with only meager educational opportunities, as the country schools of that day and the spare time of a poor boy would admit. He began teaching at the Spring Creek School in Hancock County (near Fairplay) in 1849 before he was nineteen years old. In 1853 he entered the Sparta Male Academy, then presided over by the late Prof Thos. Scott, where he completed his education insofar as going to school was concerned. In 1858 he studied chemistry for a short time at Old Ogelthorpe University under Dr. James P. Woodrow.
Besides serving two or three country schools in early life, his principal work occurred between 1857 and 1909 and was at old Bethlehem Academy, in Warthen, Washington County; Washington Institute, Linton, Hancock County; Sandersville High School; Washington Institutes; Shorter College; Anniston, Ala. College; Tenth District Agricultural School. The first state license ever issued to a public school teacher in Georgia was issued to Dr. Duggan by State School Commissioner, J. S. Hooks, and is marked "Number One." The Trustees of Mercer University conferred the honorary degree of A.M. upon him in 1876 and in 1906, the same authority conferred upon him the degree of LL.D.
Dr. Duggan united with the Baptist Church at Bethlehem, in Warthen, Washington, Ga. at the age of 22 and was active in denominational work. He was clerk of the Washington Baptist Association from 1876-1896, and probably never loved any other organization so much as he loved the Old Washington Association.