Baldwin County (Georgia) Cemeteries

Cemetery details

Dolsier - Havior Families Gravesite

Dolsier - Havior Families Gravesite photo
From the Baldwin County Courthouse go east on Hancock St. for 0.2 mile. Turn left on Jefferson St. and travel 2.3 miles to Ivey-Weaver Rd on right. Follow Ivey-Weaver Rd for 0.9 mile to 180 Ivey-Weaver Rd on left. Turn left and go 0.4 mile. The cemetery is about 50 feet to your right in the woods.

GPS coordinates: 33 07' 24.6" N 83 13' 17.0" W
or in degrees only form: 33.1235° N X 83.22139° W
See location on a Google map in a new window (NOTE:The map opens in a new window. The cemetery will be at the location indicated by a red marker.)

GMD: 318
Cemetery Status: Inactive

Menlie Dolsier

- Jul 26, 1886
Aged 80 yrs. Erected by E. Holmes
Click for more info.
Grave 1
Clifferd Havior
b. 188
birth date may be 1884 or 1882. Handwritten on cement slab, and slab is broken.
Grave 2
Unmarked Graves

Approximately 40-50 graves.
Grave 3