Baldwin County (Georgia) Cemeteries

Cemetery details

Lester Burial Ground #2

All info per TT. Cemetery has been destroyed.

From the Baldwin County Courthouse, go west on Hancock St. which becomes Highway 49 and follow Highway 49 south for 9.2 miles from the Courthouse. The grave was on the right side of the road at the address of 871 Hwy 49S. The grave was destroyed and no longer exists.

GPS coordinates: 33 00' 47.8" N 83 20' 45.9" W
or in degrees only form: 33.01328° N X 83.34608° W
See location on a Google map in a new window (NOTE:The map opens in a new window. The cemetery will be at the location indicated by a red marker.)

GMD: 322
Cemetery Status: Inactive
Predominant race: White
Location of the gravesite provided by Joseph Myrick, a long-time owner of this property.
Unmarked Adult Grave - Benjamin L. Lester
Jul 24, 1797 - Apr 30, 1848
s/o James Lester, Sr., per Sammy Lester, descendant. All other info per TT. All that remains, as of 1999, is a part of a slab with the name "Lester" on it.
Grave 1